
In the spill absorbents section you will find the traditional products used in the event of any spillage. Loose products in the form of Elcef Fibre Absorbent and clay granules for dealing with any day to day spills are complimented with newer absorbents in the form of oil absorbent pads, socks, rolls and mats all designed to help you maintain a safe and clean working environment. Society has moved on a long way since sand and soil were the absorbents of choice. However, loose absorbents still have a very important role to play with large scale spillages but can now be complimented with some more modern products and materials.

Loose Absorbents

Clay granules took over from sand, because sand is not a porous material it could not physically absorb, but when dry it could adsorb and was better than nothing. Clay granules with their porous nature could both absorb and adsorb so became a preferred solution to clean up spillages. Clay itself is hampered by its low absorption capacity and its preference to absorb water more readily than hydrocarbons rendering it useless for use in wet conditions. The weight of the clay granules is also an issue, especially when saturated, making application, clean up and retrieval a tiresome and laborious task. Lightweight absorbents such as wood fibres and Elcef Fibre absorbent emerged in to the market to supersede the inadequacies of clay granules offering far superior absorption, ease of handling and versatility. Elcef Fibre offers a cost effective alternative to the loose absorbent market. Being lightweight it is easy to apply, use and retrieve leaving surfaces safe and clean. Unlike most absorbents it is not sourced from depleting earth resources and is not cut down from non-sustainable woodlands. It is biodegradable and far more absorbent than traditional clay absorbents. Moreover, it has an affinity to absorb hydrocarbons in preference to water so can be used in any environment on land or water.

Polypropylene Absorbents

Polypropylene and cotton fibre absorbents form the basis of modern spill kits and are designed to be easily deployed and easily picked up. They are manufactured into different product types all having merit for certain applications. The most popular products of these are oil absorbent pads and oil absorbent socks. Absorbent Socks are ideal for surrounding a spill and containing it while oil absorbent pads can be applied into the contained area to soak up the major volume of the spill. Absorbent Socks are also used widely at the bottom edges of machinery to prevent any leakages from underneath machinery spreading on to walkways. Where greater absorption or containment is needed the absorbent boom can be used. Effectively these are just larger diameter absorbent socks. Marine Booms are specifically designed for use on water and can easily be linked together to form a larger barrier to contain or divert spillages on open water. Absorbent Rolls & Mats provide either a continuous supply of absorbent material in a variety of widths on a roll or a hard wearing walkway mat ideal for preventing slipping accidents. Absorbent cushions are useful for mopping up a volume of liquid where a spillage has pooled or can be placed to catch persistent drips. Whether your spill absorbents need is for loose absorbents or for absorbent pads and socks or even a mixture of both you will be able to find a product to suit your specific needs.

Showing 1–30 of 122 results

0 products compared
  • General Purpose EVO Drum Topper – Premium thickness

    Pack Size: 10
    Part number: EVOD10

    £40.85 - £43.00 View
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  • General Purpose EVO Pad – Premium thickness

    Pack Size: 50
    Part number: EVOP050X

    £48.45 - £51.00 View
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  • General Purpose EVO Pad – Premium thickness

    Pack Size: 100
    Part number: EVOP100

    £57.95 - £61.00 View
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  • General Purpose Pad – Premium thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 100
    Part Number: GB100

    £90.25 - £95.00 View
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  • General Purpose Pad – Double thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 100
    Part Number: GBV-100

    £60.80 - £64.00 View
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  • General Purpose Pad – Single thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 100 (2 x 50)
    Part Number: GP50

    £60.80 - £64.00 View
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  • General Purpose Pad – Single thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 200
    Part Number: GBV-200

    £76.00 - £80.00 View
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  • General Purpose Pad – Single thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 200
    Part Number: GB200

    £90.25 - £95.00 View
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  • Oil & Fuel Spillage Drum Topper – Double thickness

    Pack Size: 10
    Part number: ODT5

    £42.75 - £45.00 View
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  • Oil & Fuel Pad – Premium thickness, Bonded, Extra Strength

    Pack Size: 50 (2 x 25)
    Part Number: OE25

    £60.80 - £64.00 View
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  • Oil & Fuel Pad – Premium thickness, Bonded, Extra Strength

    Pack Size: 100
    Part Number: OES100

    £90.25 - £95.00 View
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  • Oil & Fuel Pad – Premium thickness, Plain

    Pack Size: 50 (2 x 25)
    Part Number: OP25

    £57.95 - £61.00 View
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  • Oil & Fuel Pad – Premium thickness, Plain

    Pack Size: 100
    Part Number: OB100

    £87.40 - £92.00 View
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  • Oil & Fuel Pad – Double thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 100
    Part Number: OBV-100

    £60.80 - £64.00 View
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  • Oil & Fuel Pad – Double thickness, Plain

    Pack Size: 100
    Part Number: OB100MF

    £65.55 - £69.00 View
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  • Oil & Fuel Pad – Double thickness, Blue, Plain

    Pack Size: 100
    Part Number: BOB100FL

    £97.85 - £103.00 View
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  • Oil & Fuel Pad – Single thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 200
    Part Number: OBV-200

    £73.15 - £77.00 View
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  • Oil & Fuel Pad – Single thickness, Plain

    Pack Size: 100 (2 x 50)
    Part Number: OP50

    £58.90 - £62.00 View
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  • Oil & Fuel Pad – Single thickness, Plain

    Pack Size: 200
    Part Number: OB200

    £87.40 - £92.00 View
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  • Chemical Pad – Premium thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 50 (2 x 25)
    Part Number: CP25

    £61.75 - £65.00 View
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  • Chemical Pad – Premium thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 100
    Part Number: CB100

    £91.20 - £96.00 View
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  • Chemical Pad – Double thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 100
    Part Number: CBV-100

    £60.80 - £64.00 View
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  • Chemical Pad – Single thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 100 (2 x 50)
    Part Number: CP50

    £61.75 - £65.00 View
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  • Chemical Pad – Single thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 200
    Part Number: CBV-200

    £74.10 - £78.00 View
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  • Chemical Pad – Single thickness, Bonded

    Pack Size: 200
    Part Number: CB200

    £91.20 - £96.00 View
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  • General Purpose Sock – 8cm x 1M, Absorbs 58L

    Pack Size: 20
    Part number: GS100T

    £54.15 - £57.00 View
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  • General Purpose EVO Sock – 8cm x 1.2M, Absorbs 70L

    Pack Size: 20
    Part number: EVOS20

    £54.15 - £57.00 View
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  • General Purpose Sock – 8cm x 1.2M, Absorbs 70L

    Pack Size: 20
    Part Number: GST20

    £57.95 - £61.00 View
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  • General Purpose EVO Sock – 8cm x 3M, Absorbs 70L

    Pack Size: 8
    Part number: EVOS08

    £54.15 - £57.00 View
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  • General Purpose Sock – 8cm x 3M, Absorbs 70L

    Pack Size: 8
    Part Number: GST08

    £57.95 - £61.00 View
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